European Spaceflight Infographics

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File Size 4.92 MB
Downloads 315
File Size 7.1 MB
Downloads 1485
A overview of retired, cancelled, proposed, and in-developed ESA and European spacecraft concepts.
File Size 1.55 MB
Downloads 369
A European Space Agency Automated Transfer Vehicle infographic.
File Size 1.38 MB
Downloads 124
A closer look at the Avio Group Vega C rocket.
File Size 307.05 KB
Downloads 183
A look at Spanish launch startups in 10 different languages.
File Size 2.68 MB
Downloads 240
A look at the max payload trends of European launch vehicles.
File Size 577.56 KB
Downloads 791
ESA reusable Space Rider spacecraft infographic.
File Size 7.74 MB
Downloads 263

European Spaceflight infographics

All European Spaceflight infographics are created to assist with achieving the companyโ€™s core goal, to promote European space. These infographics cover a broad range of topics including launch facilities, launch vehicles, spacecraft, missions, and more.

The creation of each infographic or fact sheet starts withโ€ฆ well panic. Then, after an idea starts to crystalise, a great deal of care is taken to research the topic in as much detail as possible. The information is then verified with the organisation, agency, or company involved wherever possible. This verification process is sacrosanct to us as we want to be able to stand by everything we publish.

In instances where we get something wrong, we will always publish a correction and add a new infographic for download on this page. The correction will be posted with all instances of the image we have shared across our website, newsletter, and/or social media channels.

The European Spaceflight Translation Project

The European Spaceflight Translation Project was launched in April 2022 with the aim of producing detailed looks at the European space industry in the native languages of European citizens. This effort would not be possible without the help of an incredible team of translators who have volunteered their services to the project.

The translators:

  • Dutch: Gideon Oremans
  • French: Whitney Jerosme/SpaceExplorerW
  • German: Marvin Schumacher
  • Greek: Georgios Spanos
  • Hungarian: Bence Szabรณ
  • Polish: Kuba Hajkuล›
  • Slovenian: Bojan Kogoj
  • Spanish: Pau Rius

If an infographic is available in multiple languages, that infographic download will be a zipped file with all the images together.