OHB to Head Up 90M ODIN’S EYE Space-Based Missile Early Warning Project

An OHB-led consortium has been awarded €90 million in EU funding to continue development of a space-based missile early warning system called ODIN'S EYE.
Credit: ESA

In late June, The European Commission announced the results of the 2022 calls for proposals under the European Defence Fund (EDF). One of the 41 projects that received a share of the €832 million in EU funding was the OHB-led ODIN’S EYE (multinatiOnal Development INitiative for a Space-based missilE earlY-warning architecturE) II project.

ODIN’S EYE was initiated by the European Commission with the aim of developing a European space-based missile early warning capability that would create situational threat awareness against ballistic and hypersonic threats. The system would be responsible for the detection and tracking of ballistic missiles before handing over to ground-based radars.

The first ODIN’S EYE project began in July 2021, awarding almost €7.5 million in EU funding to a consortium of 34 companies from 12 countries led by OHB System AG in Germany. This initial 24-month period included the initial studies, requirement definitions, and architectures trade-offs.

ODIN’S EYE II is a 36-month project with the OHB-led consortium now including 38 companies from 14 European countries including ArianeGroup, Beyond Gravity, Deimos Engineering and Systems, GMV Aerospace and Defence, Leonardo, SENER, Thales Alenia Space, and Telespazio. In this second phase of the project OHB will be responsible for the definition, development, integration and verification of the entire mission and system simulator. The total EU contribution for the ODIN’S EYE II project is €90 million.