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RIDESHARE | TEXUS 60 | NET 21 March 2024

Successful liftoff at 09:45 UTC on  24 March 2024.

Launch video:


Uploaded files:

Following a 19 March briefing, teams have confirmed it is possible that they will be able to launch the TEXUS-60 flight on 21 or 22 March. However, as the facility is currently between two weather fronts with both high and low pressure, there is still uncertainty.

The TEXUS team is currently working on the payload integration. The first possible day for a potential launch is 21 March, but this is dependent on favourable weather.

Payload Manifest:

  • SIMONA 06-23 - ACCESS e.V / RWTH Aachen (56 kg)
    Space investigation of monotectic alloys.
  • GECO 06-38 - Johann Wolfgang Gorthe - Universität Frankfurt (118 kg)
    Gravity elicited calcium oscillations.
  • PHOENIX 2 06-48 - Universität Bremen - Nihon University, Tokyo (120 kg)
    Study of droplet interaction in spontaneous ignition of multiple fuel droplets near the "cool flame" ignitable limit by two-dimensional observations.