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Rideshare | Ariane 6 Maiden Flight | June 15 to July 31

The boosters are in the process of being mated to the integrated first and second stack at the Ariane 6 ZL4 launch pad in French Guiana. Once the boosters are in place, the next major step will be the integration of the payload stack.

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ESA have just released an updated list of the payloads that will fly aboard the maiden Ariane 6 flight -

Update payload manifest:

  1. SpaceCase SC-X01 - ArianeGroup - Reentry capsule
  2. Bikini Capsule - The Exploration Company - Reentry capsule
  3. PariSat - Garef Aerospatial - Experiment
  4. Peregrinus - Sint-Pieterscollege - Experiment
  5. LIFI - OLEDCOMM - Experiment
  6. SIDLOC - Libre Space - Experiment
  7. YPSat/Eye2Sky - ESA - Experiment
  8. OOV-Cube - RapidCube - Cubesat & deployer
  9. Curium One - Planetary Transportation System - Cubesat 12U & deployer
  10. RAMI - UARX Space - Deployer 12U
  11. ExoPod NOVA - ExoLaunch - Deployer 16U
  12. ISTSAT - ESA Education Office/University of Lisbon - Cubesat 1U
  13. 3Cat4 - ESA Education Office/Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Cubesat 1U
  14. GRBBEta - Spacemanic - Cubesat 1U
  15. ROBUSTA-3 - CSUM - Cubesat 3U
  16. CURIE - NASA - Cubesat 2x3U
  17. REPLICATOR - RIDE!space / Orbital Matter - Cubesat 3U
  18. Ride!6U - RIDE!space


Update on the investigation into the aborted Ariane 6 upper stage test: "Technical investigations are still ongoing concerning the test abort that occurred after two minutes of the upper stage hot-fire test on the Vinci engine (HFT-4) that was performed on 7 December 2023. Based on the results of the analysis performed, we can confirm that the launch period for the Ariane 6 inaugural flight is unchanged."

A commenter on LinkedIn has shared that the Ariane 6 core stage and upper stage for the maiden flight will arrive in French Guiana on 21 February 21 at 3 pm local time.

Payload - Customer/Organisation
PariSat - Garef AerospatialPeregrinus
Peregrinus - Sint-Pieterscollege
SIDLOC - Libre Space
ESA YPSat Eye2Sky - ESA
CuriumOne - PTS
OOV-Cube - TU Berlin
3Cat4 - ESA Education Office / Technical University of Catalonia
ISTSAT - ESA Education Office / University of Lisbon
GRBBeta - Spacemanic
SpaceCase SC-X01 - ArianeGroup