
Coverage of the latest news and developments in the European space industry, including missions, policies, and major events.

Minutes from an Unst Community Council meeting reveal that the maiden RFA ONE flight may have slipped to Q4 2024.

Has the RFA ONE Maiden Flight Slipped to Q4 2024?

German launch startup Rocket Factory Augsburg has stated that it is preparing for the maiden flight of its RFA ONE rocket in the second...
Italian launch startup Sidereus Space has completed a series of 10 short-duration hot fire tests of MR-5 rocket engine.

Sidereus Space Complete Short-Duration Hot Fire Test Campaign

Italian launch startup Sidereus Space Dynamics has announced the completion of a short-duration hot fire test campaign for its MR-5 rocket engine. Sidereus Space...
The UK Space Agency has committed £7.4 million to eight international missions that explore the Moon, Mars, Venus, and more.

UKSA Contributes £7.4M to Exploration Missions from Around the World

The UK Space Agency has committed £7.4 million in contributions to eight international missions that will explore the Moon, Mars, Venus, and our Universe. "From...
The Exploration Company announced an important milestone in the testing of its methane-powered Huracán engine.

The Exploration Company Continues Testing its Huracán Rocket Engine

Space transportation startup The Exploration Company has continued testing its methane-powered Huracán engine, which will power the company's Nyx Moon spacecraft. The Exploration company...
A pair of T-Minus Engineering DART rockets ran into trouble at Esrange in Sweden, launching in -35°C temperatures.

Cold Weather Proves Challenging for T-Minus Launch Campaign

A pair of T-Minus Engineering DART missions that were slated to be launched from Esrange in Sweden last week faced -35°C temperatures, causing...
The UK Space Agency has committed £3.5 million to support the development of technology aimed at extending the life of satellites.

UKSA Commits £3.5M to the Development of Satellite Servicing Tech

The UK Space Agency has announced that it has committed £3.5 million in funding to further the development of technology aimed at extending the...
ESA has published a call for industry to submit proposals for reusable booster and first stage concepts.

ESA Publishes Call for Reusable Rocket Booster Concepts

The European Space Agency has published a call for reusable rocket booster concept proposals that will allow Europe to develop "the necessary reusable transportation...
Germany’s ATMOS Space Cargo has completed a €1.3-million seed funding extension to continue the development of its return capsule.

ATMOS Raises €1.3M More to Fund Development of Return Capsule

German NewSpace startup ATMOS Space Cargo has announced a €1.3-million extension of its seed funding round. The company first closed the round in June...
ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti will lead the team implementing the agency’s LEO Cargo Return Service initiative.

ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti to Lead Agency’s LEO Cargo Return Initiative

European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has announced that she will be leading the agency's team responsible for implementing its LEO Cargo Return Service...
ESA has completed a cryocooled upgrade of its deep-space antenna in Norcia, Australia, boosting its performance by 80%.

ESA Boosts Deep-Space Comms Capacity with Cryocooled Upgrade

The European Space Agency's deep-space communications station in Spain has been upgraded, boosting its download capacity. Deep space networks are facing an unprecedented demand for...

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