
Coverage of the latest news and developments in the European space industry, including missions, policies, and major events.

Spanish company GMV has completed testing of a multi-use Moon rover concept, which could potentially fly aboard ESA’s Argonaut lunar lander.

GMV Completes Testing of its Multi-Use Moon Rover Concept

Spanish company GMV has completed the final test campaign of its European Moon Rover System concept. The European Moon Rover System (EMRS) initiative is part...
The UK Space Agency has awarded another £5 million in funding to German rocket builder HyImpulse.

HyImpulse Awarded £5M in UKSA Funding for SR75 Launch

The UK Space Agency has awarded £5 million (5.94 million) in new funding to HyImpulse to launch its suborbital SR75 rocket from SaxaVord in...
ESA’s Gaia spacecraft is somehow returning some of its best data yet after being damaged by a meteoroid strike and a solar storm.

Gaia Prevails Despite a No-Good-Dirty-Rotten Year

The European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft continues to collect data despite getting hit by a one-in-a-million meteoroid strike and an electronics-crippling solar storm. Gaia...
ESA has awarded Arianespace a contract to assess the Ariane 6 launch system's suitability for crew transportation.

ESA Explores Crewed Mission Capabilities for Ariane 6 Rocket

The European Space Agency has awarded Arianespace a contract to explore potential options for enabling crewed missions to be launched aboard the Ariane 6...
ArianeGroup CEO Martin Sion explained that when the programme began, a reusable Ariane 6 was "not economically interesting."

ArianeGroup CEO: Reusable Ariane 6 “Not Economically Interesting”

ArianeGroup CEO Martin Sion said on French public radio that unlike SpaceX with its Falcon 9 rocket, a reusable Ariane 6 was "not economically...
RFA has completed a full-mission hot fire test of its RFA ONE Redshift upper stage, qualifying the stage for flight.

RFA Completes Full-Mission Hot Fire Test of Redshift Upper Stage

German rocket builder Rocket Factory Augsburg has completed a full-mission hot fire test of its Redshift upper stage. The stage will now be sent...
An ESA development call has revealed that the agency is targeting 2031 for the launch of its first Argonaut lunar lander mission.

ESA Targets 2031 for First Argonaut Lunar Lander Mission

In a call for Phase A/B1 development of its Argonaut lunar lander, the European Space Agency revealed that it is targeting 2031 for the...
French rocket builder HyPrSpace has completed the first hot fire test of its Terminator stage demonstrator.

HyPrSpace Fires Up Terminator Stage Demonstrator

French rocket builder HyPrSpace has completed the first successful hot fire test of its Terminator stage demonstrator. HyPrSpace is developing a small rocket called the...
ESA has announced the commencement of preparatory work on Ramses, a mission to study an asteroid that will pass within 32,000 km of Earth.

ESA Announces Ramses Mission to Study Asteroid’s Close Flyby of Earth

The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced the commencement of preparatory work on Ramses, the agency's planetary defence mission. The Rapid Apophis Mission for Space...
The first hop test of ESA’s Themis reusable booster demonstrator will now occur no earlier than 2025.

Themis Reusable Booster Demonstrator Hop Tests Delayed Once Again

The initial hop tests of the ArianeGroup-developed, ESA-funded Themis reusable booster demonstrator have slipped once again. The first is now expected no earlier than...

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